
A New Life

Yep. I got my braces taken out! I've been nothing but smiles all day long. It's actually been an interesting experience! This is why:
23 Months or so ago, I started the process. Junior year is when I really started making friends that I have now. I had braces when I began work. I've always had braces! But that's false. I haven't! It just feels like it.

So I'm feeling new! I love my new smile though. I smile at myself every time I see myself in the mirror!

In other news, I stayed up really late and read all of King Benjamin's discourse. He's probably my hero of the Book of Mormon. Or at least in my top 10. He's so amazing and I felt like he was talking to me specifically. What a plesant experience eh?

And now, for something totally different, I've loved the weather today! Overcast, random bolts of lightening, spurts of rain, etc, etc.



So I watched 007 Quantum of Solace today! Boy, was it action packed!

I mowed the back yard today! Boy, was I exhausted and frustrated!

I sat around all day though... boy, was I lame.

I'm going to be more exciting.

"Bang!" makes things sound more exciting, doesn't it?

Oh well. I'm excited for tomorrow! I have a busy day, but will still find time for the simpler things in life :-) And by that I mean happiness. It really is a choice. It's hard at times, but I decide to be happy as often as I'm thinking clearly. It's nice!

Sharing happiness is the most fulfilling thing in life, no matter the magnitude of the happiness shared. As long as it's shared. It's one of those things that are meant to be shared. Like the gospel; like doughnuts; like chocolate; like good music; like new games; like a life; but most like a smile. Really, a smile is happiness' essence!


Listen to your Heart

I'm going to be brief and cheesy. Briefly cheesy.

I often like to switch my mindset. In geeky terms, I feel like my mind is partitioned into four parts. My logic part (my biggest,) my emotional part (not to shabby for me,) my angry part (that part is oppressed like the Jews in Nazi Germany, but still gets out when I'm not in my logic state of mind,)and lastly my non state of mind (not like my mind's state of non-being, but when I'm not thinking.)

So every now and then I go full emotional. It feels good. I like to view the world through feelings; just pay attention to how things make me feel. Especially when reading my scriptures or looking at art.

So I just was doing this as best I could as I read my scriptures, and then I decided to blog, and then I checked my stats and I saw that it's just a steady income of one person spiking the graph. I was touched :-)

Thank you.


The Blood

Well my nose sprang a leak today in the shower. I thought I'd be good because it stopped quickly, but then right as I was leaving to go to a movie, it started gushing.


That was all over my bathroom. Kinda gruesome. It'd be totally rad if I had some deep thoughts about the mortality of man and the actual life-force pouring out such a vulnerable place, if I could have made a good analogy to reflect upon as it poured out of me, I would have....

Unfortunately, I was distracted by the blood going everywhere. Some blood-soaked toilet-paper clogged the toilet too! So I had to plunge the toilet with the hand that wasn't staunching the blood in my nose.

Not that kind of experience you want to have everyday...

Then it just started bleeding as I lay down to sleep.

Cursed nose...



I'm afraid of them.

I just read the little tab about who's looked at my blog and it freaked me out!

No one was actually supposed to read my blog!

Oh well...

Read on.

And now I feel gay for making a blog in the first place...

I'm probly just tired.

I generally blog really really late.

Addictions and Stuff

So I'm becoming addicted or whatever to the popular social network... Facebook... Yeah I think there's something wrong with me. Even my bestie commented on the fact my Facebook activity has gone up infinitely. It's one of these:
1. School is out. I have nothing to do, no one to shoot witty remarks off at. So I just go straight to the "ooh put that as my Facebook status lol" mode. I just need the attention really. I'm working on shooting it all out in my blog lately. I ought to do that b'cuz it'll get me more into a journal writing mindset, which I think would be ideal. Reading dead people's journals is awesome, so I want people to read my journal once I'm dead.
2. I'm just losing touch and want to see everyone, so I go on and look at people who I hardly looked at or payed attention to at school.
3. I'm bored.
4. I love attention, and people have been doing stuff with me on Facebook so it just makes me crave more and more and more. So I leave things blurry and open to incorrect interpretation. Like I did a whole status thing-a-ling where I said I want a car that comes in Plum Crazy Purple, Panther Pink, or Furious Fuchsia. Honestly, I'd never get a car that was one of those colors. It's just I saw that the Dodge Challenger comes in those colors and I like those! I'd get that silver, a black, a cream, or a burnt orange.

And now for something completely different.

I lit a fire with one match while in the rain. That ought to make me more manly!

I watched a movie today called Sherlock. Actually it was a BBC miniseries. It was excellent. Also, Super 8 was excellent but I'm still tense because it was really intense and I'm hearing noises in my house...



I had the most interesting intellectual day today...


That's a lie.

But I did think a lot. I talked to a good friend for a good two hours late at night. We talked about many things and my brain really worked. A couple of my favorite activities are actually mowing the lawn and showering, because I lose myself in deep thought during each. I don't know what it is, but thought stirs something in me. It takes me somewhere. I literally lose myself in thought. Become obsessed. Set my mind on one thing. Get lead to another. Funny how it all works out. Going into my limbo like in Inception would be one heck of a trip!



Well... I guess since I called this blog Niallism I ought to define it.
Niallism, noun, nī-ə-ˌliz-əm:
A belief wherein one believes in:
everything having a purpose, everything making progress;
a rejection of aestheticism for aesthetics' sake;
the idea of happiness as a light compared to misery as darkness;
the purpose of free interpretation, boundless yet logical;
reasons for what matters and no reason for what doesn't matter;
joy in simplicity, awe in complexity;
finite nonsense and infinite logic;
emotion and logic in harmony;
excitement for following whims;
finding joy in the unknown;
attempting to become oneself in ones' situation.

And now for something completely different!
I totally saw like two exotics coming home from a movie today! I saw a Maserati Quattroporte, bleh, and an Audi R8, which is actually a beautiful car! That made me happy. Also I got 20% more Goldfish for free! So that was cool. Following that, I had a pleasant night :)