
Addictions and Stuff

So I'm becoming addicted or whatever to the popular social network... Facebook... Yeah I think there's something wrong with me. Even my bestie commented on the fact my Facebook activity has gone up infinitely. It's one of these:
1. School is out. I have nothing to do, no one to shoot witty remarks off at. So I just go straight to the "ooh put that as my Facebook status lol" mode. I just need the attention really. I'm working on shooting it all out in my blog lately. I ought to do that b'cuz it'll get me more into a journal writing mindset, which I think would be ideal. Reading dead people's journals is awesome, so I want people to read my journal once I'm dead.
2. I'm just losing touch and want to see everyone, so I go on and look at people who I hardly looked at or payed attention to at school.
3. I'm bored.
4. I love attention, and people have been doing stuff with me on Facebook so it just makes me crave more and more and more. So I leave things blurry and open to incorrect interpretation. Like I did a whole status thing-a-ling where I said I want a car that comes in Plum Crazy Purple, Panther Pink, or Furious Fuchsia. Honestly, I'd never get a car that was one of those colors. It's just I saw that the Dodge Challenger comes in those colors and I like those! I'd get that silver, a black, a cream, or a burnt orange.

And now for something completely different.

I lit a fire with one match while in the rain. That ought to make me more manly!

I watched a movie today called Sherlock. Actually it was a BBC miniseries. It was excellent. Also, Super 8 was excellent but I'm still tense because it was really intense and I'm hearing noises in my house...

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